Here is the very lovely Amanda! Her dress was beautiful and the flowers were so bright and vibrant!

The ladies...

Ryan, the man of the hour!

The gentlemen...

We are the Men in Black...

The get-away car! A super sweet red '57 Chevy. Boy, they sure don't make 'em like they used to! The motor sounds as awesome as it looks.

As classic as you can get!

Everyone was relaxed and having fun.

Getting the last-minute preparations done before show time!

Here comes the bride!

I love Ryan's expression.

The thing about being a photographer is that you get totally engrossed in what you're doing. I often quite literally experience what the bride and groom experience. This is just such a case. I had bubbles popping in my ears on my hands and face. At one moment I worried that my camera was going to get ruined by the soap...Ah, it's all part of the job. Ryan and Amanda definitely got the brunt of the bubbles though.

Time for a fast getaway!

Ryan and Amanda requested a short photo shoot with the '57 after their ceremony. It's hard to take a bad picture with 3 great subjects!

Catching all of the guys' attention...what's a girl to do?

He's probably did I end up with this?

Got some great portraits of the newlyweds!

Ryan and Amanda make their grand entrance at their reception.

The reception hall had an awesome hallway that was just flooded with natural light. We had to get some portraits of the bridal party, and of just the couple. I think they turned out great!

Time to party!

Thank you Ryan and Amanda for allowing us to be a part of your special day! We had a blast!