We had a great opportunity to do Angela's and her twin sister Ashley's senior portraits. We got started with Angela, and she did a great job posing for the camera. The photo shoot took place at Bryan Park in Bloomington on a beautiful day. Here are just a few of the photos we took of Angela:
Later we got some more great portraits of Angela at one of her favorite spots: her Grandmother's front porch.
Thank you, Angela for being a great sport! We wish you the very best in your senior year!
Ashley was next for portraits after her twin sister Angela. Ashley was easy going and fun to work with. Here are a few pictures from her senior portrait session:
Both girls spend a lot of time at their Grandmother's peaceful country home where we got some more great portraits!
We had a lot of fun with Ashley and Angela that day. We hope you both enjoyed the experience and wish you the best in your senior year!