Tuesday, January 25, 2011

E.R. Gray & Associates logo and website redesign

E.R. Gray & Associates, a land surveying company located in Columbus, Indiana desired a fresh new look for their business. Their old design was showing signs of age and was ready for an update.


I based the new logo design off of their old well-recognized logo, making the new design more crisp and modern looking. I removed the inside of the compass, and replaced it with the company's initials. This will allow the compass element to stand on it's own in time.

I also changed the wordmark font to a modern, much easier to read font.

The simplicity of the logo design makes it functional for embroidery on shirts, coats, and hats.


The old website.

The new website.

The new design presents the complicated topic of land surveying, into an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand manner. The approach to the redesign was simple. What if I were needing a land surveyor? What information would I need to know? I know absolutely nothing about land surveying, so I need the information in small digestable bites.

The new "Did You Know?" boxes quickly answer frequently asked questions that an E.R. Gray client may have. The "Request a Quote" makes it easy for potential clients to initiate business with E.R. Gray.

The feedback on the new design has been terrific, and the "Request a Quote" feature is already driving business to the company.

Thank you E.R. Gray for entrusting me with the new look of your company!